Toxic Positivity:  When ‘Good Vibes Only’ Goes Bad

Toxic Positivity:  When ‘Good Vibes Only’ Goes Bad

Not every situation needs a silver lining or 'good vibes only.' Sometimes, life just sucks, and that’s okay. This blog explores why toxic positivity invalidates real emotions, the power of gratitude and dialectics, and how embracing the messy, full spectrum of feelings is where real healing begins.

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Cherishing Each Other:  Neurodiversity-minded Relational Living
relationship issues, neurodiversity, ableism, Relational Life Therapy, empathy, neurodiverse couples, relational living Caron Starobin, LCSW-C, Owner and Clinical Director of Starobin Counseling, LLC relationship issues, neurodiversity, ableism, Relational Life Therapy, empathy, neurodiverse couples, relational living Caron Starobin, LCSW-C, Owner and Clinical Director of Starobin Counseling, LLC

Cherishing Each Other:  Neurodiversity-minded Relational Living

When neurodiverse relationships run into tough times, partners want empathy…but sometimes they’re so busy blaming they don’t realize empathy is a two way street. Relational Life Therapy helps couples see the Double Empathy Problem in their relationship and steers them towards relational living.

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